12 Books You Must Read and groom yourself

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12 Books You Must Read and groom yourself

12 Books You Must Read If You Want to Groom Yourself as a Great Business Professional

12 Books that grooms to become a great business professional:

  • A Whack on the Side of the Hand (Roger Von Oech)
  • Discovering the Soul of Service (Leonard Berry)
  • Emotional Intelligence (Daniel Goleman)
  • Growing a Business (Paul Hawken)
  • How to Become a Rainmaker (Jeffrey J. Fox)
  • Little Red Book of Selling (Jeffrey Gitomer)
  • More Than You Know (Michael J. Mauboussin)
  • Naked Economics (Charles Wheelan)
  • Reengineering the Corporation (Michael Hammer & James Champy)
  • The Leadership Challenge (James M. Kouzes & Barry Z. Posner)
  • The Smartest Guy in the Room (Bethany McLean & Peter Elkind)
  • What Should I Do with My Life? (Po Bronson)