9 Job Interview Mistakes You Must Never Make

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9 Job Interview Mistakes You Must Never Make

9 Job Interview Mistakes You Must Never Make

Accept my heartiest congratulations on managing to land a job interview!!!

But be certain to avoid making these blunders while seated before your interviewer…

In Job Interview You must NOT:

  1. Sit down until you are asked to or directed to the seat
  2. Keep your cell phone ‘on’ or even on ‘silent’ mode. Remember that a vibration is still hearable and cause distraction during an interview.
  3. Slouch or droop down in your seat. Keep your posture tall and straight. Your body language reflects your coolness and confidence.
  4. Badmouth or criticize your previous employers/manager. Although honesty is the best policy, do not show negativity.
  5. Mutter and mumble. Speak confidently with a clear tone!! Good communication skills are always helpful in impressing others.
  6. Demonstrate too much familiarity or act in a flirty manner with the interviewer (s). It lowers your chances of getting any positive response.
  7. Talk money until the topic is initiated by your prospect employer. Also refrain from discussing leaves and holiday arrangements.
  8. Toy and twitch with pointless props such as a pen, mobile, tissue. Such fidgeting acts reveal your restlessness, unease, and low confidence levels.
  9. Do not forget to dress appropriately and arrive at the spot on time with a positive attitude!!!