Good Employees Are Leaving Their Jobs, Why?

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Good Employees Are Leaving Their Jobs, Why

Why Your Good Employees Are Leaving Their Jobs?

It is no secret that good employees are the backbone of any organization/business. However, it becomes a trouble when your good workers suddenly quit the job without any apparent reason. In case you are experiencing such an issue, it is the high time to know a number of reasons why employees leave the jobs all of a sudden. If the number of good recruits at your workplace continues to dwindle, you need to consider the following reasons and assess the scenario at your place of work:

Obsolete Reward System

An obsolete reward system is often the major reason good employees leave the jobs. Therefore, managers are required to make sure that employees are rewarded every time for their fantastic performance. Offering incentives and giving reward motivate the workers to perform better. Thus, a happy employee never leaves the job without a solid reason.

Bad Relationship with Boss

A bad relationship with the boss is often the main cause behind employees leaving the job. It is a true saying that “People don’t leave companies, they leave their managers”. This demonstrates that upper management needs to maintain a friendly behavior with the employees through good communication.

Hiring Incompetent Workers

Hiring, rewarding, and/or promoting unskilled and incompetent workers is a guaranteed means to push away good workers.

Excessive Work Load

Excessive work load overwhelms good employees. As a consequence, they tend to leave their jobs in order to search for a better job that could allow them to maintain the work/life balance.

Dissatisfaction with Organization

Many good employees leave because they find it difficult to have a clear picture of their future in the organization. Such dissatisfactory and vague future-related scenarios compel them to leave the job to find another one where their future positions are unambiguous. In other words, advancement opportunities make employees cling to their current jobs.


Thus, it is important to recognize and appreciate the good performers at the workplace in order to expand your business in an efficient manner.  Management needs to take proactive measures for retaining the best lot in human resources.