Individual Identity, My Personal Experience

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Individual Identity, My Personal Experience

Individual Identity, My Personal Experience


The term ‘identity’ is used for a variety of things and for this reason different people mean different things when they refer to identity. If we talk about Human Identity, its meaning is rather complicated and infinite. If truth be told, identity is the origin of an indivisible section of an individual’s awareness and perception to a certain extent. However, for the most part, identity is a congregation of one’s attitude, conduct, moral values and viewpoints that he/she collects and learns during the course of his/her life. In simple words, an individual’s identity is unique and separates him/her from others (Lawler 1). It is said that an individual’s place in society is dependent on his/her individual identity. Due to the social variables (gender, religion, ethnicity, political views etc) that form and affect one’s personality and identity, the worldviews of one are molded and shaped. This is the reason why it is excessively important to study about one’s identity as it may have a variety of major influences on the life of an individual. It is because of these identities and the subsequent worldviews that people are able to realize, understand and create life’s realities.

Identity Influenced by Social Variables

As far as my own individual identity is concerned, it is influenced by a number of social variables. As the follower of Catholicism and victim of racial categorization due to my Mexican ethnicity in a divided American society, my identity and worldviews have been shaped up accordingly.


In my case, religion is the most important social variable that has affected my overall personal traits and individual identity. I am a devoted Catholic today as I have been raised in an environment where my parents emphasized on practicing religious teachings and moralities. This factor has mainly formed my identity as a faithful, loving and compassionate believer. Due to the opportunities and experiences, that my parents offered me, I have gained knowledge about God, goodness and positivity in life and I consider myself a lucky person to be able to express positive characteristics in my daily life. I identify with a lot of people who believe in God’s oneness and supremeness. I try my best to abide by the teachings of Catholicism and get hold of opportunities to receive reparations.


My individual identity is also affected and shaped up by the racial/ethnic categorization that I experience in the American society on a daily basis. The United States of America is renowned for treating Mexicans in a negative light and considering them as an inferior minority group (Mintz 4). I and my Family are still struggling to fit in into the American society in a successful manner. My life is a different one as compared to other ‘whites’ as my skin color, facial features, accent and other physical aspects define my Mexican ethnicity. Although I am not treated as Blacks, the stereotypic lens that is so associated with the whites, view me as an alien in the land of whites.


This social variable of racial/ethnic classification has shaped up my beliefs and worldviews to a great extent. Thus, because of my group membership, I encounter discrimination now and then and this differential treatment does make me upset a lot of times. I find myself struggle to not be treated as a 2nd class citizen but it becomes rather painful sometimes. Despite all this, I continue to be strongminded and try to play my role in the society as a positive American who hates discrimination.

I have adopted this attitude by not considering myself as a disadvantaged individual in a different society where discrimination is prevalent on the basis on one’s ethnicity, race and skin color. My self-discipline, composure and moral values that I have inherited have helped me tremendously to face people’s negative comments and mistreatment. There are a lot of times when I have stood out in my academic disciplines. This has boosted my confidence a lot and has motivated me to ignore what others say and do to subjugate me. Thus, such behaviors have carved my worldviews but in a positive way. I believe that the positivity in my nature is due to my religious devotion and my habit of finding good in everything. Although I encounter a lot of limitations and restrictions in the society due to my racial and ethnic characteristics, I try to take no notice of such negativities and look forward to do what I want to do and achieve in my life.

Cultural Values

As I have always lived in America, the cultural values of the society have affected me since the beginning so I do not find it difficult to comply with the American culture. Although culture is related with race and ethnicity, it is not a case in my situation as I have always lived like an “American”. My eating habits, language, way of dressing also reflects America.

Social Status

As far as my social status is concerned, I belong to a middle class family. The society in the United States of America does believe in class system. I am proud of my middle class identity as most Americans are as I know I can move out of it if I struggle hard. This normal classification has given me the realization that I am living a life that is better than a majority of people in the whole wide world. I have never been affected by the idea that I do not come from a wealthy family or do not have rich parents. In fact, I am kind of satisfied with what I have and this makes me thankful for a lot of things that others don’t have.

I think myself as a blessed citizen as I enjoy contemporary comforts such as educational accessibility, technological stuff and gadgets, Internet availability, comfortable means of transportation, better clothes etc. I am willing to do much more in life by becoming a self-made person. I am motivated by the fact that I must work hard in order to give my parents what they were not able to give to me.

Stereotype Thinking

As a Mexican-American male, I find myself frequently a victim of prejudicial behaviors and discrimination. It is not an untold secret that Mexican men who live in the United States of America experience such situations almost ninety percent of the time (Garcia 104). As I belong to a Mexican family, I am expected to display my sexual competence and ability in the society to help me move along with confidence. This male dominance is referred to as Machismo and is a form of male dominance of an extreme level (Garcia 103). A majority of the Mexicans believe that machismo has helped Mexican-Americans to survive in the American society and to fight against the unfair behaviors of the local people. My brought up in a Mexican family has shaped out my mind in a way that I strongly believe in the solidarity of the family and consider males to be on a superior side as compared to women. I believe that women are the homemakers whereas males are the leaders of the family who decide for it.


Thus, living in America being a Mexican-American is not easy but the social variables I have discussed and their recognition and understanding has helped me to develop my sociological imagination. I think it is extremely necessary for everyone to understand the society and be aware about the world in order “to question cultural misconceptions and media stereotypes about people who live in countries with cultures very different from our own” (Langley 5).







Garcia, A. M. The Mexican Americans. Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 2002. Print.

Langley, P. Discovering Sociology. UK: Pearson, 1988. Print.

Lawler, S. Identity: Sociological Perspectives. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press, 2008. Print.

Mintz, S. Mexican American Voices: A Documentary Reader. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell, 2009. Print.

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