Resume Composing, Mistakes to Avoid

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Resume Composing, Mistakes to Avoid

6 Mistakes to Avoid While Composing Your Resume

Did you know that its just take 6 seconds for an employer to go through a resume to assess whether or not it’s worth an inspection? Therefore, you must make your resume good enough for them to consider it is a matter of seconds to impress them. Look at the following list and avoid making these 6 mistakes while making a it:

Do Not Mention Unsuitable Email

Never mention an unsuitable email address such as or Also avoid from including accounts that are sexual or offensive in nature.

Do Not Give So Many Contact Numbers

Do not give out numerous phone numbers. This is important in order to avoid confusion and also to not miss out any message or call from a probable employer/company.

Do Not Include Personal Details

Do not include personal details such as religious beliefs, marital status, or hobbies. However, if your hobbies have a direct connection with your prospective job, you can mention them.

Do Not Decorate

Do not decorate your resume with images, graphics and embedded tables as it can mess up your resume if the employer uses an ATS system (applicant tracking system).

Do Not Use Funky Fonts

Avoid the usage of funky fonts and colors in your resume. The best ones to use are Franklin Gothic, Ebrima, Arial, Cambria, Garamond, or Book Antiqua as they are compatible with ATS systems and easily readable.

Do Not Mention Previous Salary

Mentioning the salary history is a bad idea while writing your resume. Not only it is pointless; employers may get a wrong message as a result. Always keep in mind that a resume is a unique channel through which you broadcast your skills and value – not a way to tell your ‘cost’ to the company.


Remember that your resume is the first ‘meeting’ between you and your prospective employer. Therefore, you should avoid making any off-putting mistakes to have a later ‘face-to-face encounter’.