6 Reasons How Solar Power Helps Prevent Climate Change

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To understand the reasons how solar power helps prevent climate change, we must understand a little more about what is solar energy and its importance as well. The simplest definition of solar energy is the name given to any light energy taking from the sun, and succeeding conversion of energy obtained in some form available to humans, either straight for warming water or as mechanical or electrical energy. In its translation movement around the Sun, the Earth receives 1410 W / m² (watt per square meter) of energy, and measurement made on a surface normal (at right angles) with the sun. This energy only 19% is absorbed by the atmosphere and 35% is reflected by clouds.

There is a growing concern in seeking alternative and sustainable energies able to provide the comfort that is both necessary for the maintenance of a level of life. Passing through the Earth’s atmosphere, most of the solar energy is in the form of visible light and ultraviolet light. To understand a little more about these alternative energy sources such as solar energy, we need to know how solar power is going to helps us preventing the climate change.

Today, energy consumption tends to a very substantial growth to meet the needs of humanity, which is for about 6 billion people. The use of the sun for energy production is a reality that is increasingly present in our lives, but the high cost of manufacture and installation also prevents the solar energy to be used by all people on the planet. Still, in recent years it has shown reasonable growth in its use – in the last decade, its production increased by approximately 38%. It is happening thanks to incentive programs in countries like Germany, Japan, and Spain to enhance the creation of power from renewable sources, to decrease the discharge of gasses producing the greenhouse effect.

How Solar Power Helps

  1. The rise in global temperature, rising from greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere is starting to cause variations in climate conducting environmental, economic and social losses. “The environment system is definite, as is now apparent in the conclusions of increases in the global average warmth of air and sea, extensive melting of ice and snow and rising global natural sea level,” according to the scientists in The Fourth IPCC Assessment Report.
  2. Among the results of global warming presented by over 2000 scientists of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is the rise in the incidence and magnitude of extreme weather events such as torrential rains, hurricanes, and dryness, the dissolution of the polar ice caps and rising the sea levels.
  3. Scientists around the world say “very probably” the cause of the predicament is the overflow greenhouse gasses like methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2), and nitrous oxide (N2O), issued by human actions in the atmosphere after 1750 and now pass “much” pre-industrial uses. The first origin of these emanations is the roasting of fossil combustibles such as oil and fuel, which are applied to provide energy.
  4. The austerity of these results will depend on humanity’s capacity to control discharges from mitigation means, such as substituting the use of remains power sources by renewable.
  5. There are now several more clean energy alternatives such as acquired from the sun (solar), wind (wind), biomass and wave. Scientists and environmental specialists do not stop returning that the application of renewable energy is one of the principal means to decrease climate variation.
  6. By opting for a solar photovoltaic production, the user also provides to the moderation of climate variation, a global obstacle that also depends on the spending practices of all citizens.

This research implies that the need for energy in the planet earth is anticipated to triple by the year 2050. The current energy matrix nonrenewable, which gives adequate attention to oil and coal is already at its limit and needs to be urgently replaced, view its tremendously negative contribution the environment, in particular, the enhancement of global warming.

  • Solar energy does not pollute during use. The pollution from the manufacture of equipment for the construction of solar panels is fully controllable using the forms of existing controls today.
  • The plants require minimal maintenance.
  • Solar panels are becoming more powerful day while its cost is decreasing. It makes it increasingly solar energy an economically viable resolution.
  • Solar energy is magnificent in remote or hard to reach places because its small-scale installation does not require massive investments in transmission lines.

Change is Necessary and to assist in this matter is Difficult that blunts the solar project, i.e. the use of the heat of the sun to an energy source to humans. In this scenario worth mentioning the photovoltaic panel technology – Which captures the light energy of our king star and converts it into electrical or mechanical energy and the heater – that transform light energy into thermal energy. Although the initiative Represents at the moment a slight portion of global energy supply it has grown Dramatically – the generation capacity Has Been Increasing at an annual rate of over 40% per year since 2000 According to the International Energy Agency (IEA) – and the trend is to consolidate one of the primary sources of energy in the not too distant future, because of Their high potential for production.


But after all, what are the benefits that the solar energy provides to us?

– Inexhaustible energy (it is estimated that the Sun still in will please for another 6 billion years, that is, it is only half of its existence and will launch on Earth, this year alone, 4,000 times more energy than will consume);

– Clean energy (for power generation greenhouse gasses are not emitted or generated any waste);

– Energy Efficient (the central power generation require minimal maintenance and voltaic plates have long life);

– Free Energy (once installed the solar power system in the resident needs longer to pay bill electricity);

– Saving of energy resources (the installation of each square meter of solar collector, on average, Prevents flooding of 56 m2 of fertile land with new dams, saves about 55 kg of cooking gas per year, or 66 liters of diesel oil a year, or even Provide a savings of about 215 kg of wood per year).

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