Terrorism Threats and Strategies to Combat

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Terrorism Threats and Strategies to Combat

Terrorism Threats and Strategies to Combat


It is not easy for the policy strategists to assess and evaluate the probability of a terrorist attack in their homelands. In contrast, the results and subsequent conditions of such kinds of possibilities make it necessary for the authorities all over the world to concentrate seriously on this issue of terrorism. During the course of the decade of 1990, a lot of events happened all around the world that made people to be concerned about the chances of terrorists to attain nuclear, biological or radiological weapons. People started fearing that such types of attainments may affect the urban areas tremendously as detonations may occur on a large extent. The researchers believe that it is not essential that the terrorists have hold of nuclear weapons as accessibility is not so easy. Nonetheless, concerns have raised about the opportunities that terrorists might get hold of radiological weapons and employ them in the near future. Luckily, no such event has still taken place whereby terrorists have made use of any kind of nuclear or radiological weapons. Nevertheless, governments were concerned when a number of terrorist attacks took place in various countries including “the attack with the chemical warfare agent Sarin in Tokyo (1995), the anthrax cases in the USA (2001) and the smuggling of radioactive material” (Wirz & Egger 2005). With the upper hand, the 9/11 attacks in the USA made the world realize that a number of radical groups are existing on the face of the earth to damage the human race without any discrimination. The world also understood that such groups have tremendous resources of both capital and manpower. The 9/11 attacks made it crystal clear that there are a number of dangerous people out there who are all determined to cause whatever damage they can to the humanity without any discrimination of race, color, language or nationality. The events of 9/11 crystal clearly symbolize that the United States is more threatened by the international terrorism as compared to the domestic threats.

Terrorism Threats that Need Consideration

A lot of researcher have acknowledged that the most easily attainable nuclear weapon in the contemporary times is a radiological diffusion bomb that any terrorist can access. This is because radiological weapons are cheap and not a huge amount of money is required to purchase them. In addition, radiological weapons do not have complicated handling like other modern weapons that involve high technological handling. This makes it the best alternative for the activists to attain such weapons so that great damage may be caused. Radiological weapons are, thus, the best weapons for any terrorist or terrorist groups particularly for the ones who do not have enough resources to manufacture, collect, or attain expensive mass-destruction causing weapons. It is also an easy option for them as it is really easy nowadays to access radioactive supplies. The main reason why accessibility of such supplies is rather uncomplicated as huge transportation means are not required to deliver them. Terrorists also like to use radiological weapons as their usage always result in an overwhelming damage and impact even if the planning and execution of the radiological attack turns out as a poor one. A radiological attack has the tendency to easily damage the economy and infrastructure of the region under attack as well as the moral destruction of the inhabitants of that specific region.

Nuclear Radiation Threat

It is important to mention here that the United States of America can be attacked by means of nuclear radiation as such an attack would need special instruments not visible to the naked eye but may cause mass-destruction (Zimmerman & Loeb 2004). This is because terrorists prefer the radiological weapons as they provide unique opportunities to influence any area both economically and psychologically. Terrorists always prefer radiological or nuclear weapons as they are not attached to detonators or any other devices but at the same time they cause great casualties. In addition, they do not involve technological expertise for employment. Another factor that makes radioactive weapons so attractive to terrorists is that radioactive matter can be obtained easily, cheaply and without much risk. On top, such weapons are potentially devastating and have the ability of upsetting everything a nation has.

To cut a long story short, radiation is a unique energy type that is both pure and hazardous at the same time. It is almost impossible to protect the radioactive matter and supplies as radioactive materials are utilized in thousands of different locations including the sectors of health, agriculture, education, industries etc. Consequently, a considerable danger is impending as the triviality and uncomplicated access of such supplies is a common thing in the society today. In addition, the controlling and monitoring systems are obsolete and inadequate due to which it is really easy for the terrorists to misuse radioactive content in the future. Therefore, it is the high time for the American authorities to consider the historic, cultural, and diversity aspects of the terrorism and formulate strategies the United States can utilize to prevent future terrorist attacks.

Bioterrorism Threat

No one can deny that the terrorists may make use of the biological agents too in order to terrorize and demolish innocent lives. Although, bioterrorism has never taken place in the times gone by, there are still various probabilities considered by the researchers that suggest the emphasis of the chances that such weapons may be used by terrorists sooner or later. The unusual biological weapons have not been used much in the past. However, the modern terrorists may make use of them in order to occupy and take over governments. Researchers believe that biological attacks may be conducted by the terrorists as a final option to regain momentum or to avoid from being disintegrated from their causes.

Vulnerability of Radioactive Material

It is an unfortunate fact that authorities have not done proper efforts for the administration and management of radiological sources. They have failed in devising proper systems to control and manage the radioactive resources. They have even failed in administering the vehicles that are used for transporting radiological materials from one place to another. Even the accommodation of such materials is not safe and protected. Sufficient measures are only taken if the facility possessors find the radioactive substances as commercially important. Otherwise, no adequate safety measures and appropriate safety systems are devised once the value of radioactive materials decreases in cost. It is highly required to turn attentions towards this side of the picture as the consequences of such negligence may be more than one’s imagination. The vulnerability of radioactive material makes it easily accessible when authorities ignore the terrorist activities. It is a bitter reality that the United States of America doesn’t have a dependable domestic system through which the location and state of radiological sources could be tracked. This is not common in the United States of America only. Other countries are also faced with the same negligence on the part of governmental authorities. The underdeveloped countries are going through the worst state of affairs in this regard too. The time demands honest endeavors in this connection as it is extremely essential that illegal transportation of radioactive material is properly identified, intercepted, coordinated and managed (Grotto 2005).

Strategies for Combating Terrorism

There are a number of socio-economic strategies that can be made use of for the elimination of the terrorist groups’ motivation. It needs to be understood by the American government that military action is not the only practicable response to terrorists or to stop terrorist activities. The United States of America does not have the capability of responding instantaneously and efficiently in case of an attack by terrorists. Therefore, the time requires the expansion and implementation of a solid and risk-based strategy for the country’s protection. There are a number of damages that can be caused by the radiological weapons, as already discussed. It is the responsibility of the authorities to put honest efforts and work in a vehement manner to safeguard the entire life-cycle of the most up-to-date and innovative radioactive sources. This requires licensing. There is also the need of an efficient system to be developed to track down and enlist all radioactive sources. Moreover, the safe and secure disposition of unwanted and nonessential radioactive sources is also very important and significant incentives are needed to make it happen (Grotto 2005). The United States of America also has a need of developing an effective system that is strong enough to speedily gauge the damage extent and identify the correct. This can be done with the development of a “coherent response plan, and getting the necessary personnel and equipment to the site rapidly” (Kelly  2010).

“Active” “Passive” Measure

In the contemporary times, it has turned out to be a difficult and complex thing to find out and recognize self-protective measures in order to get away with the various kinds of damages terrorist attacks may incur. On the other hand, it has been concluded by many researchers that various methods and measures could be brought into play for avoiding the effects and impacts of the terrorist attacks. These measures include intelligence collection beforehand, stopping terrorists’ access to the biological resources, “passive” measures for protection before any terrorist incident and “active” response and post-attack mitigating measures including preparedness programs in case of emergency.

Make Evaluations, Do Assessments

The events of September 11 has made it very crucial for the United States administration to sit down, make evaluations, do assessments and find out the needs of the country as far as defense is considered. This must be done in a really cautious fashion. The authorities must make certain that security threats are identified before their occurrences. It is also important to spend resources and capital in a smart manner on the required safety measures. It is sad to state that still the authorities have not been able to discover any type of scientific remedies to the world that may guarantee safety and protection from terrorist attacks of any sort. The terrorist groups are determined, have no morals and selfish. They also have the resources to find any loop in the safety measures and can take advantage of it by finding out techniques for the exploitation of radiological and biological weapons. They are not normal people and have no regard for human life. All they know is killing innocent individuals. The fact that they do not have any regard for their lives as well makes them beastly. This is the reason why there are higher chances of a terrorist attack in which radiological weapons could be used that may even harm the terrorists themselves.

Authorities Must Prepare Themselves

The terrorist groups are a threat that cannot be ignored in the recent times. Therefore, the authorities must wake up and prepare themselves well if they want to get away with the terrorism and ill-minded terrorists. It is crystal clear terrorists today are well-equipped with the necessary information and technological knowledge. They are experts in their fields and possess the intellectual capacity needed to carry out and execute the devilish plans. They are also well-resources, have adequate funds and extremely determined. To cut a long story short, future terrorist attacks may employ radiological and biological weapons as they are easily accessible, inexpensive and easy to handle without sensitive technological functions. Therefore, the entire world is required to act in unison and be prepared to retaliate any kind of planned attack. This requires prevention of terrorist attacks from the very beginning. In addition, the unlawful access, import, export, accommodation and usage of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear material must be prevented. In short, authorities must make sure that important assets that are vulnerable to the terrorists activities must be properly safeguarded.

Changes in Legislation or Constitution

In the contemporary American society, it is also necessary to amend and bring changes in the future legislation or constitution as a main strategy to hinder possible terrorist attacks. This is because it is extremely essential to punish the terrorists according to the damage they do. The amendments should also be powerful enough to grant additional powers to the federal government so that the country can be protected from any terrorist attacks. It is not an untold secret that increasing governmental powers would be really great for safeguarding the civil liberties from any probable erosion.


Terrorists worldwide have revealed they are good at frightening, petrifying and bloodcurdling even the ones who are unsuccessful in achieving any other objective. Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh is such an example. Fanatics have spread terror and panic by abductions, assassinations, bombings and poison gas releases. Their evil activities have made them a center of attention. Due to terrorism, many settlements have been prevented and authoritarianism has been roused. Many times, terrorists have been able to win political concessions and even toppled a few policies. However, even though terrorists have been successful in winning tactical victories, so far they have not been a chief power in capsizing governments or in attaining their ostentatious objectives. If truth be told, the terrorists have not been able to get their own declared premeditated goals nowhere except during the colonial era. From time to time, terrorism has been successful in killing policies.

Some researchers of terrorism have suggested that terror campaigns and terrorism are more or less all the time unsuccessful in achieving any of their objectives.  On the other hand, many observers of terrorism negate this perception by arguing that terrorism has been more victorious in attaining some of the important goals of the violent groups.  Certainly, in view of the fact that terrorism is the weapon of the weak, it frequently does not succeed in attaining any of the political objectives of the rebellious group (Lutz & Lutz, 2009).

Terrorism has turned out to be a fear-provoking, worrisome and upsetting phenomenon that has become a matter of concern for a majority of governments and people all around the world. It is probable that terrorist groups have various objectives. It is also likely that some are failed while others are gained. The public statements and communications by these organizations help in providing some insights. However, the thing to remember is that many times, such pronouncements are half truths that are planned to assemble and activate support. The stated goals, too, may not be the authentic or central objectives of the headship.  Terrorist groups and fanatics may declare to seek more than is expected by them to accomplish with the intention of providing room for dialogue or concession (Lutz & Lutz, 2009).

It should be acknowledged that a huge number of terrorist groups are not successful in achieving any of their goals. If provided with the opportunities, terrorists certainly get better eventually if they live to tell the tale of their initial attempts at brutality.  A lot of groups follow combinations of temporary and long-standing goals.  Despite the fact that most terrorist groups still become unsuccessful in getting their desired objectives, a number of groups have been efficient and successful and that terrorism has worked more frequently than is usually conceded (Lutz & Lutz, 2009). Sadly, the malfunctioning of the global community to completely identify terrorism as unlawful behavior and as low-intensity fighting has persuaded and promoted the spreading out of terrorist activity in the last three decades. There are innumerable terrorist groups whose terrorist actions have caused great damage. Terrorist functioning, maneuvering and procedures have been inexpensive to trigger and costly to respond to terrorism. Therefore, in order to combat terrorism, it is exceedingly important for the governments to identify that “terrorism can work to at least some extent and to realize that the phenomenon is not going to disappear any time in the immediate future” (Lutz & Lutz, 2009).


Grotto, A. J. (2005). Defusing the Threat of Radiological Weapons: Integrating Prevention with Detection and Response.American Progress. Retrieved November 7, 2013, from http://www.americanprogress.org/wp-content/uploads/kf/dirtybomb072705.pdf

Kelly, H. (2002). Dirty Bombs: Response to a Threat. Journal of the Federation of American Scientists, 55(2).

Kortepeter, M. G., & Parker, G. W. (1999). Potential Biological Weapons Threats.Emerging Infectious Diseases, 5(4), 523-527.

Lutz, J. M., & Lutz, B. J. (2009). How Successful is Terrorism?. Forum on Public Policy: A Journal of the Oxford Round Table. Retrieved November 7, 2013 from http://www.questia.com/read/1G1-216682634/how-successful-is-terrorism

Wirz, C., & Egger, E. (2005). Use of Nuclear and Radiological Weapons by Terrorists?. International review of the Red Cross, 87(859). Retrieved November 8, 2013, from http://www.labor-spiez.ch/de/the/as/pdf/irrc_859_Egger_Wirz.pdf

Zimmerman, P. D., & Loeb, C. (2004). Dirty Bombs: The Threat Revisited.Defense Horizons, 38. Retrieved November 7, 2013, from http://www.questia.com/read/1G1-147059807/dirty-bombs-the-threat-revisited

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